High Converting Low Cost Websites | Your Web Guys, LLC


We control this digital treasure trove, which includes the writing, artwork, and other entertaining content you see on our website. These elements are like jewels inside a vault. Please don’t take anything from us; after all, you wouldn’t steal a pirate’s gold. If you do, there’s a lawyer here that thrives on action like this and considers it easy money, almost like a treasure hunt. Thus, proceed with caution and thoroughly study this material!


You are granted permission to electronically copy and print portions of this site solely to place an order with King Contractor Agency. Any other use of the materials on this website, including reproduction for purposes other than those expressly permitted, modification, distribution, republishing, transmission, display, or performance, without prior written permission from King Contractor Agency, is strictly prohibited.


The following copyrighted materials may not be duplicated or distributed again without permission from Your Web Guys Agency:

  • Codes and Scripts for Text/Pages/Posts, Including HTML
  • Pictures, Charts, and Logos Ideas and Components of Audio and Video Design Shades and Ideas


Furthermore, the following things are also safeguarded:

Characters from the Slogan Logo

Federal copyright and trademark laws forbid sharing, duplicating, and exhibiting copyrighted or branded content in public without the owner’s prior consent—in this case, Your Web Guys Agency. Litigation may follow any violation of these branded and copyrighted content.


Your Web Guys Agency has the right to take legal action if it is found that any of our branded or copyrighted content are being utilized without authorization. Copyright and trademark violation may result in the following consequences:

  • Taking down illegal information from the internet and keeping hosting servers offline for good
  • Removal from search results pages
  • Possession of statutory damages liability
  • Penalties, which encompass damages and lost profits
  • Cost of legal representation and court
  • Potential offenses, such as larceny
  • Possible prison term


Your Web Guys Agency may decide to issue a Cease and Desist Letter as a warning to the offender in the event of copyright or trademark infringement. We would like to notify you that we will be taking strong measures to secure our website. Should legal action be taken, the offending party could have to pay high legal fees and court expenses in order to defend their acts.


Each and every user of this website acknowledges that use is at their own risk. This website is offered “as-is,” and Your Web Guys Agency disclaims all liability with regard to the correctness, merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, and non-infringement of any content posted on or made accessible by this website. Any harm that results from accessing, browsing, downloading, or using this site to your computer equipment or property is not our responsibility.


By using this website, you agree to release Your Web Guys Agency, its directors, agents, employees, licensors, and connected organizations from all responsibility and expenses resulting from your violation of any of the representations, warranties, or covenants included herein. Additionally, You Agree to Support Your Web Guys Agency in any claim defense.


These terms and conditions, along with any other terms that may be posted on the website, comprise the entire agreement between Your Web Guys Agency and website users. Any provision of these terms that a court of competent jurisdiction finds unenforceable will be enforced to the extent required to carry out the purpose of the agreement, and the remaining provisions will stay in force.